Team Management
Maximize team performance with Daily Management, structured problem-solving, and lean techniques
To develop a Continuous Improvement Culture, organizations must move from unstructured firefighting to an improvement-driven approach. This requires a behavioral change at all organizational levels, starting with data, making the problems visual, and following structured problem-solving technics. The first step is to understand the organization’s structure to guarantee that teams are set up in a way that allows for agile collaboration and efficient management. With the correct team structure in place, appropriate daily management frameworks are incorporated into the daily routines, contributing to incremental performance improvements.
Daily Management
Set up the practices and routines that foster a culture of continuous improvement.
- Design and create team boards and set up effective team meetings.
- Define key performance indicators (KPI) to monitor frequently to give insights on what needs to be improved in front-line operations.
- Introduce and enhance the countermeasures culture in daily routines.
- Implement 5S to organize the workplace and drive efficiency.
- Establish standard routes through Gemba to observe opportunities for improvement and establish a process to improve standards.
- Develop a systematic escalation process to address critical issues when they arise.
- Develop a visual system to confirm compliance with standards.
- Prepare leaders to coach their teams on new or existing tasks to make progress in their improvement efforts.
- Enhance improvement capabilities and allow people’s potential to be discovered.
- Make the mindset of improvement an autonomic habit.
- Focus on the future and broader skills for personal and career development.
- Train leaders to follow a structured approach – A3 thinking – to address complex and multidisciplinary problems.
- Develop advanced problem-solving capabilities to effectively identify and eliminate root causes.
- Analyze the leaders’ current work routines and build a more value-added vision including some Daily KAIZEN™ routines.
- Enable leadership skills and expel firefighting from leaders’ agendas.
- Introduce and enhance the countermeasures culture in daily routines.
- Teach leaders to develop and keep positive relations with subordinates.
- Develop skills to avoid problems and solve conflicts in an efficient way.
Team Development Program
Deploy the new routines to all teams in the organization to create a cultural transformation movement.
- Implement Daily KAIZEN™ behaviors with a pilot team.
- Coach until routines are set in place, and the team is autonomous in improving its results.
- Develop the deployment guide and agendas.
- Train the leaders to implement new behaviors based on pilot experience.
- Coach leaders during implementation.
- Audit the processes set up to incorporate new behaviors and certificate successful teams.
- Review cycle performance in terms of essential performance indicators improvement.
- Plan the next Daily KAIZEN™ sprint or perform Daily KAIZEN™ planning sessions.
Client results
Learn how to implement it in your organization
Ready to start?
Find out what are the key opportunities in your processes by conducting a diagnosis workshop
Success Story